Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The guitar is a musical instrument with ancient roots, in a variety of musical styles. Typically, has six strings, but four, seven, eight, ten and twelve-string guitars also exist.

Guitars are recognised as one of the most important instruments in the blues, country, flamenco, rock music, and many forms of pop. It is also a classic solo instrument. Guitars can be played acoustically, where the sound is played through the vibration of the strings and modulated by the hollow body, or they can rely on an amplifier, the sound electronically manipulated. Such electric guitars were in the 20th Century, and continue to make a significant impact on the popular culture.

Traditionally, guitars usually have from combinations of various woods and strung with animal gut, or in recent times, either with nylon or steel strings. Guitars made and repaired by guitar maker.


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